Saturday, September 12, 2020

Monster: Sea Mimic

Sea Mimic

No. Enc.: 1 (1)

Alignment: Neutral

Movement: 120’ (40’)

Swim: 120’ (40’)

Armor Class: 9

Hit Dice: 1-5

Attacks: 1 (weapon)

Damage: 1d6 or by weapon type

Save: F3

Morale: 7

Hoard Class: X

XP: 16-500

Sea Mimics are able to take on the form of any aquatic animal. The aquatic animal they mimic must be of a creature with a number of HD equal to the sea mimic or fewer. They take on the physical abilities, attacks, and damage but retain their intelligence. They can maintain this form indefinitely. It is not uncommon for sea mimics to maintain an aquatic animal form for years. In its natural form they look like beautiful perfectly proportioned humans. 

They are intrigued by human societies and join them for a time until an intense yearning compiles them to return to the sea. Sea Mimics are able to mate with humans. The offspring of mimics and humans must enter the sea within one hour of birth or loose the ability to mimic sea animals. Those that do not are forever locked in their human forms. 

Sea Mimics live for 100 years and spend most of their lives in the sea in the form of one animal or another. They can speak common, the language of water elementals, and can communicate with all sea animals. 

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