Regretfully I am personally compelled to make this post.
Recently Bob Bledsaw II (JR) the inheritor and owner of the intellectual properties of Judges Guild posted a hate filled, homophobic, anti-semitic, bigoted screed online of face book. I will not repeat the narrow, vile, unrepentantly immoral comments and memes Bob Bledsaw II (JR) posted. That info and screen shots can be looked up on a variety of sites.
I would like to state and be thankful that the responsible venders and companies that had business relationships with the intellectual properties of Judges Guild have severed ties with Judges Guild and Bob Bledsaw II (JR). This I am sure is at a financial cost to their companies. Most if not all have denounced the comments and memes for what they are toxic bigotry.
Bob Bledsaw II (JR) has not only tainted the legacy of the Judges Guild products but have marred the OSR (old school renaissance) and gaming community. Being a humble contributor to the OSR I am angered by this and deeply saddened. Frankly it is all our responsibly as gamers to push those hate filled bigots to the fringe and hopefully out of our hobby.
The gaming community in my experience has typically been inclusive and inviting. Therefore Bob Bledsaw II (JR) comments and memes shocked and nauseated me. Being a member of the LGBTQ community and having a diverse ancestry I found the comments and memes particularly offensive. I also was appalled by Bob Bledsaw II trying to defend and justify his comments and memes by wrapping himself in a cloak of patriotism, religion and freedom of speech. Yes he has the right to say whatever he wants no matter how vile and immoral. Also recounting his linage and their accomplishments as an excuse to be a bigot is no better. Speaking ones mind does not make those comments and memes moral, ethical, decent, kind, loving, or factual.
I have a great love and appreciation for the Judges Guild products owning a few items and I am running Tegel Manor with my gaming group. I have found no fault in the creator of the Judges Guild products Bob Bledsaw (SR) (deceased) not to be confused with Bob Bledsaw II (JR) the bigot. I will no longer purchase Judges Guild products of any kind and will not support Bob Bledsaw II (JR) financially by purchasing those products.
On a side note I was also given a gift from Goodman Games of Judges Guild t-shirt for X-mas. Can I even wear it anymore without think about all this. And if I did wear it what would that say about me?
Now I have to face my players and inform them of all this. Bob Bledsaw II (JR) has taint the otherwise joyous experience of me and my players romping through Tegel Manor. I run an inclusive, welcoming and diverse game. How will this affect my players? Will I continue to use the Judges Guild products I already own? I don't know.
Reality is that the ugliness and hate of the world have intruded upon what I thought was once a sanctuary from all that.
So to sum up Bob Bledsaw II (JR) is a dick and bigot. He soiled and spoiled something I have enjoyed for years. I will never buy another Judges Guild product to prevent a bigot from profiting off of me. Now I have to discus this dumpster fire with my players and let them decide if they want to continue with Tegel Manor.
Fight On! Fights On
Editor extraordinaire, Ignatius Ümlaut, has informed me that issue #16 of
the flagship fanzine of the Old School Renaissance, *Fight On!*, is now
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