The Articles of Dragon: "The Dragon Magazine Combat Computer"
*Dragon *magazine is, of course, most remembered for its many excellent
articles published over the course of the three decades of its existence.
This en...
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
Location Description Generator I
Roll 1d20 (3
1. Historical / Legendary
2. Local customs
3. Religious habits
4. Natural Wonders
5. Ruins
6. Weird Facts
7. Groups
8. Military Conflict
9. Magical Conflict
10. Legendary Beast
11. Monuments
12. Magical properties
13. Lost Stuff
14. Local Products
15. Rumors
16. Reference / link to another site
17. Persons of note
18. Haunted
19. Weather
20. Structures Occupied
Example A:
Rolls: 13,2,4
Title: Spear
The town of
Spear Tree was founded around the
infamous tree of the same name. It is told that barbarians use to test their
courage by being tied to the tree and those which showed no sign of fear while
spears where thrown at them would rule for one year. A revered spear called
Treespear was used in the contest and
was kept in a hallow of the tree. It was stolen
50 years ago. The current chieftain has ruled all this time. The tree
that harbored the spear quivers and
trembles and it is said that the sap can cause fear in men.
Example B:
Rolls: 3,9,11
Title: The
Pillar of Wespar
The pillar of
was the site where the hermit Wespar lived
for 10 years atop a pillar. Followers of the faith erect pillars every year and
set atop them for a week in honor of the hermit. A group of cabalist wizards
poses a worshipers at the event to exchange information and conduct business.
They are slowly taking over the pilgrims and using them as unknowing pawns in
their plans.
Example C:
Rolls: 15,7,6
Title: Wooden
Castle of Eurgam
This wooden
castle is home to the noble family of Eurgam. The family sponsors a small
knighthood called the Order of the Golden Gauntlet dedicated to protecting or
more like guarding against the magical sites of the land. It is rumored that
the knighthood is securing the sites for use by the knighthood only or more
likely the noble family Eurgan.
Random Encounters,
World creation
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Random Encounters: The Border Fort
Random Encounters The Border Fort
This border fort is located on the edge of the kingdom near a neighboring realm and the wilderness. What desperate people populate the fort or has it been abandoned or even curse.
Random Encounters
Roll 1d20
1. A detachment of bored and dangerous soldiers itching for a fight.
2. An empty fort with a sign warning those who try to enter will be prosecuted.
3. A battle damaged fort surrounded by dead combatants and feasting crows.
4. The border fort is an illusion placed their by a thrifty generals hired illusionist.
5. Occupied by wild beasts.
6. A hide out for bandits and criminals.
7. A colony for disfigured but friendly plague victims.
8. Home to a dying magic user and his decrepit servant who plan on possessing the PCs bodies.
9. Traveler taking shelter in an abandoned fort.
10. Newly occupied by orc who plan on raiding the surrounding area.
11. Undead soldiers still man the fort defending it in death from attackers.
12. Fey creatures dwell here after having been driven out of their homes by evil humanoids.
13. Dwarfs guard the border in lieu of paying taxes to the king.
14. Ghosts roam the fort seeking their murders but the PCs will due.
15. A cult of evil clerics passing themselves as militant monks protecting the borders.
16. A trade enclave with merchants and money changers doing business between to kingdoms.
17. Lair of a vampire being hunted by a vampire slaying paladins.
18. Empty
19. Magically maintained by aerial servants for their unseen master.
20. Filled with vermin and foul slime.
Friday, February 28, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 28:
What's the single most important thing you've learned from playing D&D?
The value of teamwork.
What's the single most important thing you've learned from playing D&D?
The value of teamwork.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 27:
If you had to do it all over again, would you do anything different?
I would be more orderly and not jump around from one thing to another. I would run episodic games once a week with campaigns lasting 3-4 months.
If you had to do it all over again, would you do anything different?
I would be more orderly and not jump around from one thing to another. I would run episodic games once a week with campaigns lasting 3-4 months.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 26:
Do you still game with the group that introduced you to the hobby?
No I moved out of town and I have not gamed since 2009. It makes me sad.
Do you still game with the group that introduced you to the hobby?
No I moved out of town and I have not gamed since 2009. It makes me sad.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 25:
Longest running campaign/gaming group you've been in?
It was from 1999 until 2005.
Longest running campaign/gaming group you've been in?
It was from 1999 until 2005.
Monday, February 24, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 24:
First movie that comes to mind that you associate with D&D?
First movie that comes to mind that you associate with D&D?
Sunday, February 23, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 23:
First song that comes to mind that you associate with D&D?
Queen - We are the champions!
First song that comes to mind that you associate with D&D?
Queen - We are the champions!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 22:
First D&D based novel you ever read?
Redsands (stand alone novel).
First D&D based novel you ever read?
Redsands (stand alone novel).
Friday, February 21, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 21:
First time you sold some iof you D&D books - for what reason, if ever?
It was a Spelljammer Boxed Set called the The Astromundi Cluster. It just seemed like a waste of my time to even read through it all. It was a poor setting.
First time you sold some iof you D&D books - for what reason, if ever?
It was a Spelljammer Boxed Set called the The Astromundi Cluster. It just seemed like a waste of my time to even read through it all. It was a poor setting.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 19:
First gamer who just annoyed the hell out of you?
I can't remember his name but he rolled the dice in slow motion. Each roll took at least 1 minute.
First gamer who just annoyed the hell out of you?
I can't remember his name but he rolled the dice in slow motion. Each roll took at least 1 minute.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 18:
First gaming convention you ever attended?
I never went to a dedicated gaming convention.
First gaming convention you ever attended?
I never went to a dedicated gaming convention.
Monday, February 17, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 17:
First time you heard D&D was somehow "evil"?
I think it was around 1984 or something. Something about mothers and evil dice.
First time you heard D&D was somehow "evil"?
I think it was around 1984 or something. Something about mothers and evil dice.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 16:
Do you remember your first Edition War? Did you win?
It was when 3rd edition came out and I was still running a campaign in 2nd edition. I won and finished the campaign in 2nd edition.
Do you remember your first Edition War? Did you win?
It was when 3rd edition came out and I was still running a campaign in 2nd edition. I won and finished the campaign in 2nd edition.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 15:
The first edition of D&D you didn't enjoy. Why?
It was 4th ed D&D. I felt like they changed the whole character of the game.I hated the combat oriented game and all the battle mats and maps. It felt less about imagination and more like a bad vidieo game. Dam the designers may Orcus smite them.
The first edition of D&D you didn't enjoy. Why?
It was 4th ed D&D. I felt like they changed the whole character of the game.I hated the combat oriented game and all the battle mats and maps. It felt less about imagination and more like a bad vidieo game. Dam the designers may Orcus smite them.
Friday, February 14, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 14:
Did you first meet your significant other while playing D&D? Does he or she still play?
No. And No.
Did you first meet your significant other while playing D&D? Does he or she still play?
No. And No.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 13:
First miniature(s) you used for D&D?
I used a friend's lead figure of a halfling.
First miniature(s) you used for D&D?
I used a friend's lead figure of a halfling.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 12:
First place where you bought your gamming supplies. Is it still around?
The store was called MoneyHaven which did sports card, collectibles, comics and rpgs. It was in Panama City Florida. It is long out of business. The people there were not very friendly even to people that spent money like myself. They had a monopoly and knew it.
First place where you bought your gamming supplies. Is it still around?
The store was called MoneyHaven which did sports card, collectibles, comics and rpgs. It was in Panama City Florida. It is long out of business. The people there were not very friendly even to people that spent money like myself. They had a monopoly and knew it.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 11:
First "splatbook" you begged your DM to approve?
I really don't know what a splatbook is but I did beg my DM to run Spelljammer.
First "splatbook" you begged your DM to approve?
I really don't know what a splatbook is but I did beg my DM to run Spelljammer.
Monday, February 10, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 10:
First issue of Dragon, Dungeon or some other gaming magazine you bought?
I think in 1992 I bought a Dungeon Magazine I don't know which one it was. I think I bought some used Dragons Magazine later on.
First issue of Dragon, Dungeon or some other gaming magazine you bought?
I think in 1992 I bought a Dungeon Magazine I don't know which one it was. I think I bought some used Dragons Magazine later on.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 9:
First campaign setting (published or home-brew) you played in.
It was a home brew/published hybrid game mixing dungeon crawls, modules, dungeon magazine adventures and a flying ship.
First campaign setting (published or home-brew) you played in.
It was a home brew/published hybrid game mixing dungeon crawls, modules, dungeon magazine adventures and a flying ship.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 8:
First set of polyhedral dice you ever owned. Do you still own them?
A set of solid purple ones with blue bits. Yes, I still own most of them I lost a few though.
First set of polyhedral dice you ever owned. Do you still own them?
A set of solid purple ones with blue bits. Yes, I still own most of them I lost a few though.
Friday, February 7, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 7:
First D&D product you ever bought?
My first product was the 1st edition D&D player handbook (used). Yes, I still own it.
First D&D product you ever bought?
My first product was the 1st edition D&D player handbook (used). Yes, I still own it.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 6:
First character to go from 1st level to the highest level possible in a given edition. (Or what is the highest level character your've ever ran?)
The highest total levels character which naturally earned them was my elven 7th level wizard/5th level thief named Avatar Sumanda Sulaco (former Emir of Mekeet). He was had a gold skeletal assistant and traveled with a sacred bovines. I retired him after a long career of thievery and wizardry. He was the richest character I ever had.
First character to go from 1st level to the highest level possible in a given edition. (Or what is the highest level character your've ever ran?)
The highest total levels character which naturally earned them was my elven 7th level wizard/5th level thief named Avatar Sumanda Sulaco (former Emir of Mekeet). He was had a gold skeletal assistant and traveled with a sacred bovines. I retired him after a long career of thievery and wizardry. He was the richest character I ever had.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 5:
First dragon your character slew.
We were on a mission for some druids to collect items from ruins to save the world or something like that. A red dragon guarded an item so we got a bucket of lard sprinkled spices on the lard bundled it up and put in a bottle of poison. We offered it up to the dragon as a baby in order to allow us into the ruin. The poison made the dragon sick enough for us to grab the item and flee through the druids portal. The dragon did not make its saves and died.
I think we called the dragon Lard-baby-eater.
First dragon your character slew.
We were on a mission for some druids to collect items from ruins to save the world or something like that. A red dragon guarded an item so we got a bucket of lard sprinkled spices on the lard bundled it up and put in a bottle of poison. We offered it up to the dragon as a baby in order to allow us into the ruin. The poison made the dragon sick enough for us to grab the item and flee through the druids portal. The dragon did not make its saves and died.
I think we called the dragon Lard-baby-eater.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 4:
First dungeon you explored as a player-character or ran as a DM?
The first true dungeon that I remember was Tegel Manor. I played a thief named Embrace Nothingness. He eventually did live up to his name and died there.
The first dungeon I ran as a DM was in 1993. It was home-brew dungeon leading to the under dark. It had giant rolly-polly or pill-bugs in it, plenty of drow and a underground freshwater bay.
The dungeon and nearby city are still in by home-brew campaign setting.
First dungeon you explored as a player-character or ran as a DM?
The first true dungeon that I remember was Tegel Manor. I played a thief named Embrace Nothingness. He eventually did live up to his name and died there.
The first dungeon I ran as a DM was in 1993. It was home-brew dungeon leading to the under dark. It had giant rolly-polly or pill-bugs in it, plenty of drow and a underground freshwater bay.
The dungeon and nearby city are still in by home-brew campaign setting.
Monday, February 3, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 3:
First Character death?
I really can't remember the character. I had a few characters almost die and some in magical suspended animation. I think it was in Tegel Manor.
How did you handle it?
I think I was upset. I can remember the details.
First Character death?
I really can't remember the character. I had a few characters almost die and some in magical suspended animation. I think it was in Tegel Manor.
How did you handle it?
I think I was upset. I can remember the details.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
28 Day Blogging Challenge
Day 2:
First Person you introduced to D&D?
Kelly R.
Which Edition?
2nd ed. D&D
Thier first character?
Blue the Blazing a female fire wizard.
First Person you introduced to D&D?
Kelly R.
Which Edition?
2nd ed. D&D
Thier first character?
Blue the Blazing a female fire wizard.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Day 1: First person who introduced you to D & D.
The Baroness in 1991 at her restaurant on a slow Saturday morning. The adventure was about a giant and a magic cauldron. I played a fighter because it was the easiest to learn. My first encounter was on the road at night with hobgoblin bandits.
Which edition?
2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
Your first character?
Sir Nogoodnik a first level 1/2 eleven fighter. I seem to remember playing him as a arrogant and rather confused knight. He survived three games and then he retired with the gold he gained from adventuring.
The Baroness in 1991 at her restaurant on a slow Saturday morning. The adventure was about a giant and a magic cauldron. I played a fighter because it was the easiest to learn. My first encounter was on the road at night with hobgoblin bandits.
Which edition?
2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons
Your first character?
Sir Nogoodnik a first level 1/2 eleven fighter. I seem to remember playing him as a arrogant and rather confused knight. He survived three games and then he retired with the gold he gained from adventuring.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
X-plorers - Mission - The Distress Call
The following is and adventure for the X-plorers RPG game system. In X-plorers speak adventures are call missions. So I humble present my X-plorers Mission - The
Distress Call.
The Kansas Crescent a agro-ship owned by Agrotech
is traveling between systems.Aliens have boarded the vessel and captured the
crew. The ships robot released the docking clamps and their ship became
undocked. The robot then fired upon it with the ships laser cannon destroying
The explosion of the
other ship has propelled the Kansas Crescent and
it is entering a asteroid field
Starting the Mission
The PCs have just FTL
jumped and went off course thanks to a mad navigation computer. Parts are
needed to repair the computer which are not aboard the ship. The PCs can do
another FTL jump but they will in all probability be even further off courser
then they are now. The PCs are not on the regular space routes. They find
themselves in a ghost route a little used space route near an asteroid field.
The PCs receive a repeating distress call from the Kansas Crescent a agro-ship.
"Mayday! Mayday!….Agro-ship Kansas Crescent out
of planet Gaia seeks immediate assistance. are attempting to
board the ship the other ship disengaged and exploded!
sealing off the sections to prevent the invaders. Ship
damaged…..heading towards asteroid field. They trying to break
into the bridge! Help! ."
The signal can be
traced to the edge of an asteroid field to an Agro-ship surrounded by a cloud
of ship debris. All attempts to contact the ship will fail due to no one
manning the ships space reviver. The Agro-ship appears to only have minor
damage and has it's matter screen up which deflects high velocity impacts. The Kansas Crescent running light illuminate when
the PCs ship approaches.
The PCs can decide
wither to dock with the Agro-ship or do a space walk to the other vessel. The
floating debris could damage the ship and the floating debris could injure the
PCs in a spacewalk.
If the PCs dock their
vessel they have two choices the Port Airlock and Starboard Airlock (see Area
descriptions). Only a shuttle or a fighter can fit in the Shuttle Bay so this
is most likely not an option for the PCs.
Space Walk
If the PCs decide to
space walk to the other vessel they will have to deal with the debris field
first before reaching the ship. The PCs can enter the ship by the Port Airlock,
Starboard Airlock, Shuttle Bay. Each entry is locked (see Area descriptions).
Random Space Walk Encounters
Roll 1d6
- Wrecked Robot - This robot floats nearby and appears half-melted but indicator lights flicker on an off. This is Ardent D-752 who on the exterior of the ship manually releasing the docking clamps of the alien vessel then it was caught explosion after remotely using the laser cannon to destroy the empty alien ship.
- Space Suite - A random PCs space suite is slowly decompression by micro-debris impacts. If the PC does not cover the hole with a patch sticker or hold it closed they take 1d6+2 damage each round until their oxygen runs out.
- Short circuiting - Electronics on large debris release current arc. PCs must make a Saving Throw or suffer 1d6 electrical damage.
- Dead body - This body is in a ruined space suite and appears to have been an alien called a Vor-thar.
- Cargo Container - This orange plastic crate is labeled 'Pan-Galactic Corp, 2 count, Matter Screen Field Coils' in the human language.
- Small Asteroid - This small asteroid was attached by the mass of the debris but has for now been repulsed by the Kansas Crescent matter screens.
Kansas Crescent Agro-ship
This long an thin
vessel has six argo-domes, a shuttle bay, port airlocks and a starboard
airlocks. It is dead in the water and the engine is offline. The ship is
currently drifting towards an asteroid field.
Kansas Crescent Agro-ship (frigate): Ship Class 3, Type
Frigate, Crew 4-12, Hull Points 20, Weapon Damage 1d6+2, AC 11, NPC SKill
15/13/11+, XP Value 240, Cost in Million CR 60
Random Encounters on the Kansas Crescent
Roll 1d6
- Ardent D-752: AC 16, HP 20*, ST 12+, MV 4, Cost 15,000 cr Programs: Data, Computers, Mechanics, Science, Pilot, Translation Upgrades: Armor plating +2 AC. D-752 is damaged and is at half hp. The robot will try to find out the PCs motives and follow them hiding in the shadows. If the PCs attack it will flee sealing bulkhead doors between it and PCs. It will try to gain control of the ships computer.
- Improvised Trap: The crew set these up to harm the Vor-thar. These simple traps do 1d3 damage and do not reset.
- Short circuit: Electronics on the ship are damaged. PCs must make a Saving Throw or suffer 1d3 electrical damage.
- Space Slug: AC 13, HD 2d6, THB +2, ATT 2/1d3 bite/bite, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 45 Special Abilities: Breath Weapon Acid
- Vor-thar mercenaries (2): AC 13, HD 1d6*, THB +3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm - Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits. Both are wounded and are at half hp.
- Vor-thar mercenaries (3): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB +3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm - Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits.
Map Key to the Kansas Crescent
Area 1: Bridge
Two Vor-thar
mercenaries are forcing the Captain Dennis Cork trying to repair the control
console that was blasted by a errant laser rife by the Vor-thar. Two dead crew
persons are on the floor. The Captain's adopted
son Rory is telepathic and is in
communication with his father. The Captain has ordered Rory to stay in hiding
but asked Rory to act as communication hub for the crew. The Captain plans on
stalling until help comes or the Malvarine Sleek-star has evened the odds by
taking care of other Vor-thar. The Vor-thar leader is missing and the Captain
fears what the Sanath may do. A damaged unusable computer terminal is in this
Vor-thar mercenaries (2): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB
+3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute
Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm -
Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits.
Area 2: Galley
A group of three
Vor-thar are searching the galley for food and anything useful.
Vor-thar mercenaries (3): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB
+3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute
Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm -
Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits.
Area 3: Living Area/Sick Bay
This area has a couch,
coffee table and a holographic game table. In the far corner is a Surgery Bed
with a curtain around it. A Vor-thar is unconscious on the floor. A Sonic
Sparring Sphere hangs in the air listlessly thrusting a sonic sword. A hapless Vor-thar
activated the Sonic Sparring Sphere and was knocked unconscious. He will wake
up in 1d6 rounds after the PCs arrive. The
Sonic Sparring Sphere
will try to attack unless it is turned off with the remote on the coffee table.
Sonic Sparring Sphere: AC 10-15. HP 30, THB +1
- +5, ATT 1/1 damage, ST 14+, MV 6. The small semi-intelligent flying robot is
designed only to spar. It has a sonic baton. It's AC and THB can be controlled
by the remote. It only does 1 damage with the sonic baton.
Vor-thar mercenaries (1): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB
+3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute
Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm -
Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits.
Area 4: Crew Quarters
These rooms serve as
he crews quarters. They are filled with person affects. The doors are unlocked.
Space Slug (5) : AC 13, HD 2d6, THB +2, ATT
2/1d3 bite/bite, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 45 Special Abilities: Breath Weapon Acid
Area 5: Computer
The ships computer
sever is in this area. A computer terminal is in this room. A successful
computer skill check reveals one of the
following one data points per check. The referee should be creative if the PCs
asking specific questions unrelated to the below facts.
- Several red lights flash on a schematic of the ship showing passcode locked doors. The passcode is a four digit code '1234'.
- Dome C is below optimal pressure due to a thermal coupling being dethatched and a ventilation obstruction.
- A small alien vessel enter the Shuttle bay after the explosion. And there were energy weapon fire there as well.
- Three ship robots are missing. Two were semi-intelligent agro bots J-K145 and Q5-803. J-K145 last located in Dome E and Q5-803 last located in Dome A. One AI robot Ardent D-752 was last located on the exterior of the ship manually releasing the docking clamps of the alien vessel.
- The near by explosion has damaged the internal sensors and they are unreliable at best.
- A flock of Meeps have escaped Dome B and are in Dome E.
- At least five Space Slugs are crawling through the ventilation systems.
- A Malvarine Sleek-star has left Dome A and is in the main ship.
- One of the airlocks was opened and closed after the PCs arrived.
Area 6: Repair Shop
The area is full of
tools and partially repaired equipment. A disassembled agro robot is in the
Area 7: Port Airlock
Three spacesuits
colored green, blue, and orange hang on the wall. The red and yellow suits are
Area 8: Starboard Airlock
Six spacesuits colored
red, green, blue, yellow, and orange hang on the wall.
Area 9: Forward 0-G chamber
This area houses the
elevators and ladder wells leading to the three surrounding domes A,B and C.
The domes radiate from the ship's axis. The domes radiate from the ship's axis.
The area is 0-G to facilitate entry and exit out of the domes.
Space Slug (3) : AC 13, HD 2d6, THB +2, ATT
2/1d3 bite/bite, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 45 Special Abilities: Breath Weapon Acid
Area 10: Dome A
Trees heavy with fruit
inhabit this dome. Shree the Sanath leader of the aliens took refuge here after
the explosion and the ship's bulkhead doors auto sealing. Sanath was injured by
the Malvarine cub but managed to lock it out of the dome. Shree the Sanath has
been communicating with her Vor-thar mercenaries and knows their status. If
anyone enters the dome she will shed her space suite and pretend to be one of
the fruit trees and then attack.
Shree the
Sanath: AC 12, HD 4d6, THB +4, ATT 2/1d6 fists or by weapon, ST 15+, MV
4, XP 180 Special Abilities: Disease Equipment: Sanath Fork - This two pronged
trident discharges electric bolts doing 1d6+3 damage.
Area 11: Dome B
Golden grain fields
are in this dome. Two Vor-thar are in the fields and hide when the PCs enter
the dome and fire upon them.
Vor-thar mercenaries (2): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB
+3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute
Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm -
Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits.
Area 12: Dome C
This dome has a field
of potatoes, beets, onions and radishes. Rory Cork the captains son Psionic boy
hid in this dome from the Shree the
Sanath and the Vor-thar mercenaries. He has been in telepathic contact with the
Malvarine and the robot Ardent D-752. Rory has asked the Malvarine to wait by
the Shuttle Bay door and to slay the two Vor-thar when it opens. Ardent D-752
has told Rory of the PCs arrival but does not know their intentions. Ardent
D-752 is following them to ascertain their intentions and then bring them to
Rory if they are trustworthy.
Area 13: Food Processing/Packaging
This area seems to be
a small food processing and packaging factory. The machines are functioning
erratically. A computer terminal is in this room.
Automated Canner Trap: The auto canner is
launching cans over the room. In order to cross the room the PCs need to make a
agility based saving throw to avoid getting hit by the flying cans of food. The
cans do 1d3 damage.
Area 14: Aft 0-G chamber
This area houses the
elevators and ladder wells leading to the three surrounding domes A,B and C.
The domes radiate from the ship's axis. The area is 0-G to facilitate entry and
exit out of the domes.
Area 15: Dome D
The dome has several
varieties of melons. Crew members Connie Venice in red spacesuit and Jose
Caracas in a yellow spacesuit are in a fire fight with two Vor-thar among the
melon patches. They are using equipment as cover. The elevator and ladder well
is between them. They are at a draw with both sides equally matched.
Vor-thar mercenaries (2): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB
+3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute
Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm -
Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits.
Area 16: Dome E
Brushes lush with
bright berries are in this dome. Small reptilian bird like creatures fly about
happily eating berries. These creatures a are Meeps. They mimic sounds and
recount bits of human conversation and the fighting with the Vor-thar. Notably
a weird other alien voice named Shree seems to be commanding the Vor-thar.
Meep (20): AC 10, HD 1d3, THB +0, ATT 1/1d3
beak, ST 18+, MV 8 (16), XP 15 Special Abilities: Optional Movement Fly.
Area 17: Dome F
Bright peppers are
planted in the fields in this dome. Crew members Mitchel Denver, Beth St.
Louise and Hans Rotterdam were working in the dome when the aliens took boarded
the ship. The captain ordered them to lock the doors and defend them selves.
They have created a improvised pepper spray gun and use it on anyone who they
don’t know. Rory has contacted them and told them his plans.
Area 18: Cargo Bay
This cargo bay has
many containers some empty others full. The lights are off in this area due to
a sort in the power system. The cargo bay has no external doors since the ship
never lands on the surface. Cargo is loaded in the bay from the shuttle or from
the main airlocks.
Bio-safety gas trap: A jury-rigged trap was set
up by a human crew member. An alien detector and canister of bio-safety gas
meant to scour microbes from sealed suits; dangerous to unprotected organisms.
Aliens entering the area will be sprayed with bio-safety gas which does 1d6+2
damage per round in the area until it dissipates in 30 min. A computer terminal is in this room.
Area 19: Engineering
The large engineering
room is almost silent. The explosion has knocked both engines off line. One of
the Matter Screen Field Coils is damaged and non functional although the other
is working. The PCs need to replace the coil so that the asteroid impact damage
will be halved. There was one floating in a cargo container in the debris
Rory in area 12 has
telepathically contacted the Malvarine Sleek-star. Rory has asked the Malvarine
to wait by the Shuttle Bay door and to slay the two Vor-thar when it opens. The
Malvarine if encountered will put on a threatening show but will refrain from
attacking. It will try to avoid conflict but will defend itself. It
telepathically communicates with the PCs telling them that he is not their
enemy and that it's partner desires to speak with them in Dome C. He also
requests the PCs to open the Shuttle Bay doors so he can kill the Vor-thar.
Malvarine: AC 14, HD 2d6, THB +2, ATT 2/1d6, ST 17+, MV 6, XP 55 Special
Abilities: Telepathy - Empathy/Send Messages
Area 20: Shuttle Bay
A standard shuttle
which seats 10 people is in the
The engine appears to
have been partially taken apart and never put back together. A small alien
fighter is wedged in the shuttle bay.
Two Vor-thar a pilot
and his navigator are busy in the bay. The pilot is refueling their fighter and
the navigator is trying to open the door the rest of the ship. A computer
terminal is in this room.
Space Slug (1): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB +2, ATT
2/1d3 bite/bite, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 45 Special Abilities: Breath Weapon Acid
Vor-thar mercenaries (2): AC 13, HD 2d6, THB
+3, ATT 2/1d3+1 fist or by weapon, ST 17+, MV 3, XP 60 Special Abilities: Acute
Senses, Warlike Demeanor - +1 to hit and damage. Equipment: Sonic Pole-arm -
Does 1d8+1 damage and costs 250 credits.
The computers
collision alert system sounds at some point during the adventure indicating
that asteroids are approaching and that the ship needs to move out of the way
of fire the laser cannon at the asteroid and blast it appear. The matter
screens are weakening because of the repeated impacts and will not hold off
If the ship has not
been repaired it will only has maneuvering thrusters. Careful use of the
thrusters will allow the ship to move out of the way. The ships laser cannon
does 1d6+2 Hull Damage.
The PCs and the
Vor-thar may try to defend the ship from the asteroids by going to the bridge.
Alternatively the PCs can return to their ship and combat the asteroids. The
Vor-thar may even pilot the fighter and combat the asteroids.
The asteroids bombard
the ship from different directions and occur at different rates. All asteroid
have a BHB +0. They do random amounts of damages based on velocity and size.
Direction of incoming
asteroid on the face of the hexagon the ship is centered in.
Roll 1d6
- N
- NE
- SE
- S
- SW
- NW
Occurrence of
Roll 1d6
- 1 round
- 2 rounds
- 3 rounds
- 4 rounds
- 5 rounds
- 6 rounds
Hull Damage
- 1d6
- 2d6
- 3d6
The adventure as
designed is opened ended with a fair amount of latitude possible for the PCs.
That being said the rescue of the Kansas
Crescent is the primary goal no matter what form that takes. Addition
actions such as capturing or killing Shree the Sanath and her Vor-thar
mercenaries ill advance the plot and the PCs should be rewarded for it. Finally
getting the Kansas Crescent back in working order and out of the asteroid
field would be advisable.
Getting Paid
Once the Kansas Crescent
is recused and Captain Cork communicates with Agrotech Field
Offices on the planet Goodone in the Goodone System the PCs will be suitably
rewarded. They will have to travel to the Agrotech Field Office on Goodone to
collect their reward. (see Awarding XP)
Dealing with Prisoners
If there are any
prisoners they can be turned over to the UCNP on planet Goodone. Or they can be
set down on a habitable planet and marooned.
Awarding XP
The PCs receive 1435
XP total for defeating the hostile parties each. For rescuing the crew the PCs
are granted 150 XP each. Those PCs who helped save the ship form asteroids
receive 300 bonus XP each. Agrotech pay a reward of 1000 cr each and the PCs earn
1000 XP each. Agrotech also gives them a months supply of manna food. PCs who
actively participate in the adventure are granted and additional 100 XP. The
PCs can potentially receive 2985 XP each.
Further Adventures
The PCs can sell the
Vor-thar fighter which will net them 15 XP and 15 Million Credits. Or they can
keep it for themselves.
The PCs can
investigate the mysterious new alien race Sanath and try to determine where
they will strike next and how to cure their disease.
X-plorers is a old school take on the classic rule set which takes on the genre of science friction and specifically space opera. X-plorers is by the talented Dave Bezio and shows his personal flare. I highly recommend it to for those of you who enjoy rules lite games and science fiction.
The book it self is a frame work for enterprising referees to build adventures and a universe for the players to rampage through. There is a small section detailing the campaign setting called the Reaches. A few monsters and aliens to round out the cast. A little thin but a creative referees will be able to flesh it out easily.
One of the best things about the game is that you can get a free version sans art work. Mr. Dave Bezio is generous and that was how I discovered the game. Then once I looked it over I bought the PDF, a hard-copy and the supplement Galactic Troubleshooters #1. RPG Now has the PDF.
In the next few blog posts I will add additional material I have created for my game. So keep a watch out for adventures, expanded setting, aliens, and spaceships.
Over the last few the cover art has change repeatedly so to help you identify it. Below are the various covers of the game book from oldest to newest.
The book it self is a frame work for enterprising referees to build adventures and a universe for the players to rampage through. There is a small section detailing the campaign setting called the Reaches. A few monsters and aliens to round out the cast. A little thin but a creative referees will be able to flesh it out easily.
One of the best things about the game is that you can get a free version sans art work. Mr. Dave Bezio is generous and that was how I discovered the game. Then once I looked it over I bought the PDF, a hard-copy and the supplement Galactic Troubleshooters #1. RPG Now has the PDF.
In the next few blog posts I will add additional material I have created for my game. So keep a watch out for adventures, expanded setting, aliens, and spaceships.
Over the last few the cover art has change repeatedly so to help you identify it. Below are the various covers of the game book from oldest to newest.
Science Fiction,
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